Frequently Asked Questions

I have seen a product on your website but cannot make a purchase, why?

We are sorry if the item or size you require is not showing for purchase, this means that item is out of stock. Please, either find another size another product or try again at a later date.

Can you tell me when you will have new stock of a sold out item?

Yes we can, to register your email address and receive an email notification as soon as the item becomes available again, please click on the EMAIL WHEN AVAILABLE link found at the right side of the sold out notice.

My payment has been declined, why is that?

It can happen for several reasons; if there are sufficient funds in your account, it's most likely that you entered your card details incorrectly, for example, the wrong expiry date. If the problem persists, speak with your card issuer or bank.

Can retailers purchase items at wholesale prices?

Yes, there is an affiliate website from which retailers can purchase Bellusstate Under Manners clothing, using our wholesale price scheme: